Occupational Health and Safety for Healthcare Workers: study guide (ІV a. l.). 3rd edition

Occupational Health and Safety for Healthcare Workers: study guide (ІV a. l.). 3rd edition

  • Артикул: LB-00196979
  • Наявність:Є в наявності

  • 280.00 грн.

The book was written from an occupational health perspective and covers the basic concepts and definitions of life safety as a discipline, the system of interactions of man and his environment, ways of ensuring the safety of human life, health and safety laws and the basics of occupational safety for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This guide reflects typical curriculum requirements in Occupational Health and Safety for Healthcare Workers and conforms to the Bologna Declaration. The publication is recommended for medical, stomatological and pharmaceutical students. Recommended for 1st and 2nd year stu­dents in higher education establishments of Ukraine — medical universities, institutes and academies.

Інформація про книгу
Обкладинка Тверда
Кількість сторінок 120
Мова видання Англійська
Ілюстрації Чорно-білі
Видавництво Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Рік видання 2018
Автори O.P. Yavorovskyi, M.I. Veremei, V.I. Zenkina et al.

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