Psychiatry and Narcology. H.M. Kozhyna, Т.S. Mishchenko, N.O. Maruta et al.

Psychiatry and Narcology. H.M. Kozhyna, Т.S. Mishchenko, N.O. Maruta et al.

  • Артикул: LB-00197146
  • Наличие:Есть в наличии

  • 710.00 грн.

The textbook stresses the importance of studying psychiatry in accordance with the medical education programme. The textbook was prepared in line with the training and qualification characteristics and the training and professional specialist training programme approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 239 as of 16.04.2020.

The material covers the basics of national legislation in the field of psychiatry and the principles of organizing psychiatric and medical-psychological assistance to persons with various types of mental and behavioural disorders.

For students of higher medical education institutions of Ukraine, masters, and internship doctors.

Информация о книге
Обложка Твёрдая
Количество страниц 352
Язык издания Английский
Иллюстрации Чёрно-белые
Издательство Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Год издания 2021
Авторы H.M. Kozhyna, Т.S. Mishchenko, N.O. Maruta et al.

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