Philosophy and General Philosophy of Medicine

Philosophy and General Philosophy of Medicine

  • Артикул: LB-00196962
  • Наличие:Есть в наличии

  • 480.00 грн.

The study guide «Philosophy and General Philosophy of Medicine» contains the texts regarding the main subfields of philosophy included to the program of the University course on this academic discipline. The guidelines for seminars, the questions for self-control and a guide to philosophical terms are also presented. The study guide is committed to provide information on the issues of the history of philosophy, ontology, philosophical anthropology, gnoseology, methodology, social philosophy and philosophy of medicine.
The study guide is designed to meet the academic, professional needs of medical students of the higher education establishments.

Информация о книге
Обложка Твёрдая
Количество страниц 240
Язык издания Английский
Иллюстрации Чёрно-белые
Издательство Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Год издания 2019
Авторы I.V. Vasylieva, А.Yu. Vermenko

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