Neurosurgery. V.O. Piatykop, I.B. Piatykop, Yu.H. Sergiienko et al.

Neurosurgery. V.O. Piatykop, I.B. Piatykop, Yu.H. Sergiienko et al.

  • Артикул: LB-00197111
  • Наличие:Есть в наличии

  • 260.00 грн.

The study guide is compiled in accordance with the curriculum in neurosurgery. The basics of diagnosis and treatment of patients with the most common neurological diseases of the brain and spinal cord, spine and its structures, peripheral nerves are highlighted. The publication uses modern European and American protocols for the management of such patients. Each section contains a list of recommended reading.

For students of higher medical education establishment, interns.

Информация о книге
Обложка Твёрдая
Количество страниц 112
Язык издания Английский
Иллюстрации Чёрно-белые
Издательство Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Авторы V.O. Piatykop, I.B. Piatykop, Yu.H. Sergiienko et al.

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