Modern Operating Systems, 5th Edition. Tanenbaum Andrew, Bos Herbert

Modern Operating Systems, 5th Edition. Tanenbaum Andrew, Bos Herbert

  • Артикул: LB-0018344
  • Наявність:Немає на складі

  • 1150.00 грн.

Modern Operating Systems incorporates the latest developments and technologies in operating systems (OS) technologies. Author Andy Tanenbaum's clear and entertaining writing style outlines the concepts every OS designer needs to master. In-depth topic coverage includes processes, threads, memory management, file systems, I/O, deadlocks, interface design, multimedia, performance tradeoffs, and trends in OS design. Case studies explore popular OS and provide real-world context. Tanenbaum also provides information on current research based on his experience as an operating systems researcher.
A modern computer consists of one or more processors, some amount of main memory, hard disks or Flash drives, printers, a keyboard, a mouse, a display, network interfaces, and various other input/output devices. All in all, a complex system. If ev ery application programmer had to understand how all these things work in detail, no code would ever get written. Furthermore, managing all these components and using them optimally is an exceedingly challenging job. For this reason, computers are equipped with a layer of software called the operating system, whose job is to provide user programs with a better, simpler, cleaner, model of the computer and to handle managing all the resources just mentioned. Operating systems are the subject of this book.
It is important to realize that smart phones and tablets (like the Apple iPad) are just computers in a smaller package with a touch screen. They all have operating systems. In fact, Apple’s iOS is fairly similar to macOS, which runs on Apple’s desktop and MacBook systems. The smaller form factor and touch screen really doesn’t change that much about what the operating system does. Android smartphones and tablets all run Linux as the true operating system on the bare hardware. What users perceive as ‘‘Android’’ is simply a layer of software running on top of Linux. Since macOS (and thus iOS) is derived from Berkeley UNIX and Linux is a clone of UNIX, by far the most popular operating system in the world is UNIX and its variants. For this reason, we will pay a lot of attention in this book to UNIX. Most readers probably have had some experience with an operating system such as Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, or macOS, but appearances can be deceiving.
The 5th Edition keeps pace with modern OS with a new chapter on Windows 11, new security coverage, an emphasis on flash-based solid-state drives and more.
Інформація про книгу
Автор Tanenbaum Andrew, Bos Herbert
Обкладинка Твердий
Рік видання 2022
Сторінок 1184

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