The bully-goat (Коза-дереза англ.)

The bully-goat (Коза-дереза англ.)

  • 250.00 грн.

Boy, that bully goat is b-a-a-a-d! How bad? Through her tricks, she made an old man so angry at his wife and sons that he sent them away. And then she marched right into the little rabbit’s house and took it over! Many animals tried to get her to leave. Which one of them managed to chase the bully goat away? Read on to find out! At the end of the book, there’s a game — help the rabbit win against that b-a-a-a-d bully goat.

Інформація про книгу
ISBN 9786175850299
Видавництво А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА
Кількість сторінок 26
Мова видання англійська
Обкладинка тверда

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