Weather Girl (Прогноз погоды для двоих на английском). Rachel Lynn Solomon

Weather Girl (Прогноз погоды для двоих на английском). Rachel Lynn Solomon

  • Артикул: LB-70019461
  • Наличие:Есть в наличии

  • 260.00 грн.

Ari Abrams loves working as a TV meteorologist. But unfortunately, her boss is so busy fighting with her ex - who happens to be the station's news director - that there's always a storm brewing inside the newsroom!

So after a particularly explosive showdown, Ari and shy sports reporter Russell hatch a plan to get their bosses back together, fast . . .

As they work to help the sparring exes fall back in love, Ari finds herself telling Russell things that she has always kept hidden - and soon realises there's more to her quiet colleague than meets the eye.

Информация о книге
Автор Rachel Lynn Solomon
Обложка Мягкая
Количество страниц 242
Язык издания Английский

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