The Prince and the Pauper ("Принц и нищий" на английском). Mark Twain

The Prince and the Pauper ("Принц и нищий" на английском). Mark Twain

  • Артикул: LB-700196827
  • Наличие:Есть в наличии

  • 210.00 грн.

The Prince and the Pauper is the first and most famous historical novel written by an outstanding American writer Mark Twain. A poor boy gets in a royal palace and puts on clothes of the prince who looks exactly the same. He tries to understand and learn the manners of the royal court. At the same time, the prince finds himself on the streets and gets to know all the troubles and powerlessness of the lowest level of society, he even gets into prison. The ending is optimistic: the prince becomes the king and invites the poor boy to his entourage.

Информация о книге
Автор Mark Twain
Обложка Мягкая
Количество страниц 178
Язык издания Английский

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