Business Analysis for Practitioners + Business Analysis Techniques (комплект из 2-х книг)

Business Analysis for Practitioners + Business Analysis Techniques (комплект из 2-х книг)

  • Артикул: LB-0019371
  • Наявність:Є в наявності

  • 1100.00 грн.

Business Analysis for Practitioners. A Practice Guide. Project Management Institute

Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide provides practical resources to tackle the project-issues related associated with requirements and business analysis—and addresses a critical need in the industry guidance for more in this area. The practice guide begins by describing the work of business analysis. It identifies the tasks that are performed, in addition to the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively perform business analysis on programs and projects.

Business Analysis Techniques: 99 Essential Tools for Success. James Cadle, Debra Paul, Paul Turner

The development of business analysis as a professional discipline has extended the role of the business analyst who now needs the widest possible array of tools and the skills and knowledge to be able to use each when and where it is needed.

This new edition provides 99 possible techniques and practical guidance on how and when to apply them. It complements Business Analysis also published by BCS, and offers a more detailed description of the techniques used in business analysis, together with practical advice on their application.

Інформація про книгу
Обкладинка М'яка
Мова видання Англійська
Автори James Cadle, Debra Paul, Paul Turner

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